An initiative by
GAC Foundation, New Delhi
Fostering Culture & Creativity. Recollecting past experiences & events by GAC Foundation

Reminiscence, an act of recollecting past experiences & events. GAC Foundation, an acronym for "Gathering for Arts & Culture" Foundation caters the potential impact of their concepts through a global network of arts by showcasing their ideas of culture! Everyone loves to recollect their precious memories, so we have taken this initiative as a step forward to show a unique way of showcasing all our events & achievements in GAC.
Initiated & Curated by GAC Foundation and GAC Foundation Plus, all organised by our Founder & Management Trustee Mrs. SriValli Sitaraman.
Partners & Promoters:
Partners & Promoters:

Organisers & Curators:
Organisers & Curators:

This website is for showing all our events & achievements by GAC. All rights reserved. Uses website privacy policy.

What is GAC Reminiscence?

What we offer?
What we offer?
Arts Education
Uplift of budding talents
Dance & Drama Values
Empowerment of different art practices
Events per month
Promotion to the global world
Various participation
Healing power
Connecting talents at various walks of life
Everyone wants to get a major throwback of their experiences in their own life which are quite memorable & thus we the GAC Foundation ensures to start a new identity among each other- GAC Reminiscence which tells an untold story of recollecting our past experiences & events. We have also undergone some of the major achievements in our life! One can't forget some of our beautiful experiences with all the children. Staring from a very small stage to many majestic ambiences in every phase of our life.
What makes our GAC reminiscence so special is that is a special project initiated by GAC Foundation to recollect everything & so we enable, encourage & empower all the young talents who are interested in art skills.
Recalling our experiences in performing arts, many performance stages, arts education, providing many opportunities to showcase their arts globally, etc. & promoting talents at all walks of life. Yet, we the GAC Foundation states that- 'Fostering Culture & Creativity'. We do recall; our precious memories!
What are the stuffs in GAC Reminiscence?
What are the stuffs in GAC Reminiscence?
Classical Dance
Mythological Drama
Western & Pop
Semi- Classical
Slokas & Chanting
Cosmic Dances
Media & Coverages
We have tried till now to maintain our rich culture in dance through the works maintained by GAC Foundation both economically & socially. We worked for children & for the society with big hearts to empower & nourish the arts & culture.
GAC Reminiscence will have a special area for display and promote all arts & culture.In keeping with the festive season coming up, we happily have an opportunity to support the cause of #EnableEmpowerEncourage by showcasing the ideas of rich dance culture & heritage to the wider public.